- Get a mentor.
- Invest 30 mins in a day to learn.
- Listen, process and ask questions.
- Delegate and focus on important tasks.
- Don’t assume, Do your own research.
- Turn off notifications while you’re working.
- Avoid constant emailing, instead schedule fixed time in a day to work on your emails.
- Always attach agenda in calendar invite.
- Don’t go unprepared for any discussions or meetings.
- Don’t hesitate to ask help, most of them are willing to help you.
- Network, expand outside your comfort area.
- Be open minded, see the things from others perspective.
- Always keep your manager in loop.
- Document your decisions.
- Participate in hackathon, innovate with like minded people.
- Attend tech talks, keep up with current trends.
- Contribute to open source.
- Take a regular small break and stretch your body.
- Learn to communicate your accomplishments.
- Scheduled regular 1–1 with your leaders and ask for feedback.
- Don’t over commit, work based on facts.
- Don’t be a super hero, manage your time and health.
- Turn off work notifications during vacation.
#productivity #career-boost #2023